About College

Self-Assessment Report (SAR)

Sr. No. Assessment criteria Supporting Documents
1 Teaching Learning Mode of teaching 1.1 View/Download

Curriculum Planning and Implementation 1.2 View/Download

Students Feedback 1.4 View/Download

Examination Results 1.5 View/Download

Criteria 1 1 View/Download

Special Classes for Students 1.1 View/Download

2 Student Support, Service and Progression College website updated regularly 2.17 View/Download

College Magazine Published 2.16 View/Download

Aanual Prize Distribution Function Organized 2.15 View/Download

Inter-College events 2.14 (ii) View/Download

Intra-College Events (Annual Athletic Meet and Cultural Functions) 2.14 (iii) View/Download

Student Progression 2.13 View/Download

Career Counselling & Placement Cell 2.12 View/Download

No. of Career Counselling Sessions organised for each group of student 2.12(i) View/Download

Self Employment Modules Organised 2.12(iii) View/Download

Capacity Building of Students (Life Skills ) 2.11(i) View/Download

Language-cum- Graduate attributes Development programmes 2.11(ii) View/Download

Remedial Classes 2.10 View/Download

Pre and post Admission counselling 2.1 (i) View/Download

Pre and Post Admission counselling 2.1 (ii) View/Download

Pre and Post Admission Counselling 2.1 (iii) View/Download

Scholarships 2.2 (i) View/Download

Sports and Cultural activities 2.3 (i) View/Download

Sports and Cultural activities 2.3(ii) View/Download

Sports and Cultural activities 2.3(iii) View/Download

Sports and Cultural activities 2.3 View/Download

Students Participation in NSS/NCC/Rangers & Rovers/Clubs 2.4 (i) View/Download

Students Participation in NSS/NCC/Rangers & Rovers/Clubs 2.4 (ii) View/Download

Students Participation in NSS/NCC/Rangers & Rovers/Clubs 2.4 (iii) View/Download

Students Participation in NSS/NCC/Rangers & Rovers/Clubs 2.4 (iv) View/Download

Students Participation in NSS/NCC/Rangers & Rovers/Clubs 2.4 (v) View/Download

Students Participation in NSS/NCC/Rangers & Rovers/Clubs 2.4 View/Download

NSS/NCC/Rangers & Rovers Participating in 2.5 View/Download

NSS/NCC/Rangers & Rovers Participating in 2.5 (ii) View/Download

Anti-Drug Awareness Programmes 2.6 (i) View/Download

Anti-Drug Awareness Programmes 2.6 (ii) View/Download

Gender Equity 2.7 (i) View/Download

Gender Equity 2.7 (iv) View/Download

Mentor-Mentee Groups 2.8 View/Download

Student Support, Service and Progression Criteria 2 2 View/Download

Gender Equity 2.7 (ii) View/Download

Gender Equity 2.7 (iii) View/Download

Gender Equity 2.7 (iii) View/Download

Pre and Post Admission counselling 2.1 (i) View/Download

Criteria 2 2 View/Download

Gender Equity 2.7 (i) View/Download

NSS/NCC/Rangers & Rovers Participating in 2.5 (ii) View/Download

Students Participation in NSS/NCC/Rangers & Rovers/Clubs 2.4 (v) View/Download

Sports and Cultural activities 2.3 (i) View/Download

Scholarships 2.2 (i) View/Download

Pre and Post Admission Counselling 2.1 (i) View/Download

Language-cum- Graduate attributes Development programmes 2.11(ii) View/Download

Capacity Building of Students (Life Skills ) 2.11(i) View/Download

Self Employment Modules Organised 2.12(iii) View/Download

Capacity Building of Students (Life Skills ) 2.11(i) View/Download

Capacity Building of Students (Life Skills ) 2.11(i) View/Download

Sports and Cultural Activities 2.3 (i) View/Download

Sports and Cultural Activities 2.3 (i) View/Download

Sports and Cultural activities 2.3 (i) View/Download

Sports and Cultural activities 2.3 (i) View/Download

3 Infrastructure and Resources Criterion 3: Infrastructure and Resources 3 View/Download

Classrooms 3.1 View/Download

Library Facilities 3.2 View/Download

ICT Facilities 3.3 View/Download

Facilities for Specialty-abled Students 3.4 View/Download

Sports Facilities 3.5 View/Download

Auditorium/Hostels/Seminar Hall/Staff Quarters 3.6 View/Download

Laboratories with adequate equipment according to syllabi 3.7 View/Download

Adequate numbers of computers 3.8 View/Download

Canteen, Staff Room, NCC, NSS, Rangers & Rovers, Facilities 3.9 View/Download

Documentation of Academic, co- curricular 3.10 View/Download

4 Institutional Management Criterion 4: Institutional Management 4 View/Download

Institutional vision 4.1 View/Download

IQAC 4.2 View/Download

Management of Institutional Funds 4.3 View/Download

Grievances redressal of students and employees 4.4 View/Download

Clean and green campus 4.5 View/Download

Facilities for students 4.6 View/Download

Regular updation of service books/service records 4.7 View/Download

Timely submission of ACRs 4.8 View/Download

Prompt response to official correspondence 4.9 View/Download

Proper maintenance of official records 4.10 View/Download

Proper record of students attendance and CCA 4.11 View/Download

Whether accredited by NAAC 4.13 View/Download

Whether AQARs are being submitted as per timeline annually or not 4.14 View/Download

Involvement of stake holders 4.16 View/Download

Feedback from stakeholders other than students and action taken thereon 4.17 View/Download

5 Best Practices, Innovations and institutional distinctiveness Best Practices 5.1 View/Download

Special Initiatives 5.2 View/Download

Social Impact of Extension Activities 5.3 View/Download

Special New Innovative Initiatives 5.4 View/Download

Collaborations 5.5 View/Download

6 Faculty Profile and research Activities Faculty Profile and Research Activities 6.0 View/Download

% of teachers with Ph. D. 6.1 View/Download

Teachers as Research Guides 6.2 View/Download

Number of Oreintation Programmes, Refresher Programmes, Faculty Developement programmes and workshops of one week and more attended by Teachers (in last three years) 6.3 View/Download

Projects/Patents/Fellowships/Associateships 6.4 View/Download

Number of Paper presented in Conferences/Seminars/Symposia (in last three years) 6.5 View/Download

Seminars, Workshops, conferences and trainings organised by the institution 6.6 View/Download

No. of Papers published 6.7 View/Download

Teachers Special Innovative Ideas (brief description therof) 6.8 View/Download

Number of Books Published/chapter in books 6.9 View/Download

Teachers Academic and Extension Activities 6.10 View/Download

Awards by Recognized and Reputed Organizations 6.11 View/Download

7 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 7 View/Download

AG Audit & Local Audit 7.3 & 7.4 View/Download

Invite Speakers 7.6 View/Download

Skill Development Training 7.7 View/Download
