Institution Distinctiveness

Government College Drang at Narla is the only institution of higher learning in the rural area of Padhar sub-division. The distinctiveness of the institution from other higher learning institutions in the region can be considered on the following basis:

  • The college has a vast green and quiet campus. After visiting the campus, students feel the importance of a peaceful environment in the teaching-learning process. In this context, the college has a vision to maintain a calm and nature-friendly environment in and around the campus. To attain this vision, college students are encouraged to plantation drive by involving and sensitizing the locals.
  • The college has nearly 70 girl students from rural and low-income group families. Before the opening of this institution, the girls of this rural area were forced to drop out of their studies. Therefore, the priority and thrust of the college remain to provide the best possible facilities to cater to more female students in the area. The ultimate aim of the college will be fulfilled when all girls of the area will complete their education at least up to post-graduation.