Department of Botany

Botany is one of the main branches of biology that deals with the systematic and scientific study of plants, including their structure, properties, and biochemical processes. It also includes the classification of plants and the study of plant diseases and their interaction with the environment.
Importance of Plants : To appreciate this course, one must understand the need to study plants, specifically their importance for Oxygen, Human nutrition, medicine, etc.

Aim of the subject :

  • To equip students with knowledge and technical skills about plants.
  • To inculcate scientific temper among the students.
  • It aims to train the students in all the areas of plant sciences with a unique combination of core and elective papers with significant interdisciplinary components as per CBCS.
  • To enable them to apply the knowledge of Botany wherever needed.
  • To prepare students for obtaining employment in the government or private sector.
  • To equip students with Logical and Analytical Thinking Abilities so that they are ready to take up a career in research.
  • Students acquire relevant knowledge and skills appropriate to professional activities.
  • To inculcate Social responsibility and Effective citizenship.
  • Graduates will understand environmental issues and sustainability development.


Assistant Professor (Botany)

